Editorial Services

  • • Query critique (a query letter + up to 10 sample pages): $50

    • Critique of a picture book manuscript or dummy: $50

    • Critique / developmental edit of a partial or full manuscript (includes an editorial letter and potentially light markup on the manuscript): contact me for a quote

  • “Line edits” mean that I put my Super Detail-Oriented Editor hat on, and I mark up your work sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, with the goal of making it so smooth, polished, and generally grammatically correct that all your authorial intentions will come through clear as day and any copyeditors who read it will fall in love with you. However, I will stop short of an actual copyedit/proofread where I do extensive fact-checking or recite the Chicago Manual of Style to you from memory.

    Contact me for rates.

  • I can offer authenticity reads for representation of characters with the following marginalizations:

    • Latine/Latinx/Latino, especially Mexican-American or mixed-race/white-passing Latines

    • Neurodivergence, especially characters with ADHD or undiagnosed neurodivergence

    • Mental illness, especially depression, generalized anxiety, or social anxiety

    Contact me for rates.

  • I grew up in a bilingual household speaking Spanish and English, formally studied Spanish in school for several years, and read Spanish fluently. I can check Spanish grammar and spelling in either bilingual books (for example, a picture book written in an English/Spanish mix, or with two full English/Spanish texts side by side), or books written primarily in English with some Spanish-language features (say, a narrator who thinks in Spanglish, or Spanish dialogue scenes). I do not offer translation services or critiques of work written entirely in Spanish.

    Contact me for rates.